Friday, July 13, 2007

Owen's Birthday Camp-Out

Well, tonight was the long awaited "Backyard Camp Out Birthday Party" for Owen. He invited two of his friends for the festivities, and was okay with the fact that only one of them wanted to actually stay until tomorrow. We all had fun, and are enjoying the benefits of having a real, live "big kid" in the house. The little boys kept busy trying to impress the guests, and Jeff and I hustled around to feed those hollow legged boys! Word to the wise---the campfire nachos in the Family Fun magazine last month weren't so wonderful. One little guest even suggested that next year I should try my hand at a little known recipe involving a crock pot, Velveeta, and Rotel! Point made! My house still boasts a fragrance that can only be compared to a combination wood stove/chain smoker scent! Kinda woodsy yet kinda nasty! It's 1 in the morning, and I am coming off a "clean up the s'mores ingredients" high, so I'll add some pictures and maybe blog another day when I can actually follow my own train of thought. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


anitazim said...

I'm howling at the nachos! That stinks! (literally, sounds like) You know, I'm such a good cook, I could give you that rotel/velveeta recipe if you need it. hee hee. The campout looks like so much fun! I loved the pics!!! Can I come to the next one?
Love you all! Anita

anitazim said...

p.s. I LOVE that cake!!