Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just Like God...

I just remembered something that happened on Sunday evening. To bring you up to speed, Levi had had a terrible day, emotionally speaking. For some reason, he was just incredibly grouchy, picking fights with his brothers, crying over EVERYTHING, and generally in a rotten mood. And he even had a nap! We always say the "galloping grumpies" have caught up with you when a mood like that hits.

Anyway, at bed time I asked him, "Did you just have a rough day today?"
"Yah-I just didn't feel like being nice. "
"Well," I told him, "tomorrow's a new day, and we'll just do better tomorrow, okay?"
"Alright...," he sighed.

After a long pause which included a lot of backscratching, I added, "You know what?"
"I love you anyway. Even when you have a bad day, and even when you get lots of spankings, I still love you more than any other 4 yr. old in the WHOLE world. I love you no matter what."
Levi rolled over, put both hands behind his head, and for the first time in hours, he smiled. "Hey! Just like God!"
"What?" I asked.
"Yah...that's just like God. He loves you no matter what you've done. You know, if you're grouchy or say mean words. He still loves you! Hmmm, how 'bout that, Mom? That's just like God." And with that, he closed his eyes...grinning from ear to ear!
So here's to all you mommas who think your day has been a total waste. Nothing but discipline and "creative redirection" all day! God can still use your worst days to teach Biblical truths to the most unwilling recipients! Hang in there. God can handle it!


gina said...

hey Leslie--what a neat way to keep all of us fans of your clan in touch--you know we love pictures and stories about your family! plus, this makes you seem not so far away.
we'll anxiously await more postings!
gina (and ray)

Renee Waters said...

How does that saying go..."Out of the mouths of babes"? Some of the most profound lessons are taught to us by the children in our lives. Thanks for that reminder!

You should put the picture on here of the boys in the rain! That one's priceless! I can't wait to read more about what's going on in the Davis house...I can always hear your voice in your writing and it makes me laugh! :0)

Keep doing the wonderful job that you do! -Renee

kim said...


I love getting to hear your stories. You are such an inspiration to others! This is going to be a great way for us to get to hear those stories! Thanks for sharing. Love ya, Kim