Saturday, September 19, 2009

What a Life!

This month we celebrated Jeff's 40th birthday. Here is a photo of him and the boys after they presented him with their gifts...a coin organizer for his truck, a new watch, and his hunting and fishing license for the year. All of the gifts painstakingly sought out in a Wal-Mart shopping trip, then proudly presented to their daddy the night before his birthday (they couldn't wait!).

Had you been a fly on the wall, you would've heard, "Open it Daddy! It is NOT a coin is definitely NOT a coin holder! What do you think it could be Daddy? Open it! Open it!"

I LOVED every minute of the presentation. Do I have a wonderful life or what?!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Just wanted you to know that you can keep up with our family at the new Porch Swing News. There's always something going on!

