Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Fun!

Hey there! Just thought you might like to see some pictures of our Christmas celebrations. We spent our Christmas morning opening gifts at home and then just playing together for awhile. Then, around noon, we headed out to Mom and Dad's for the K family get together. Always lots of fun, and not enough time to visit. We "grazed" on soups and ham and noodles, veggie trays, venison summer sausage and cheese, fresh fruit, and more desserts than should be legal! What a spread. It was good to see all my brothers and sisters and their children...what a good lookin' bunch of kids. I hope your Christmas was filled with love and laughter, happy memories, and lots of good fun.



Houston, We Have a...Family!

As you may know, we made a family trip to Houston in November. The weather was beautiful, and we all enjoyed seeing family members we hadn't seen in quite a while...and some family who the boys had never met.

We flew from Oklahoma City to Houston, which went surprisingly well. We stayed in Houston with my cousin Jenny and her family. We visited Space Center Houston one day, and enjoyed a behind the scenes tour by my cousin Brenda's husband, Jim. The next day we went to Brenda and Jim's house. The little ones enjoyed meeting one another, and our boys enjoyed trying to catch fish in the lake behind the house.

After leaving Brenda's, we headed to Galveston, where we nearly had the beach to ourselves. Evidently, to Texan's, 67 degrees is NOT beach weather. However, when you're from Missouri, that's at least wadin' weather! The boys enjoyed getting totally soaked (did I actually think they could just wade?). Isaac spotted a crab of some sort, and spent the majority of his beach visit walking on top of Jeff's cowboy boots! He was not gettin' on that sand for anything!

The entire trip was enjoyable, and the boys have already mentioned going back. (I think that was during a recent snow, when it was too messy and cold to go outside! "I wish we were in Texas again!")

We are daily reminded of how blessed we are...healthy children, loving family, and all the comforts of home. We hope your Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations were wonderful.

Love to you all,

Leslie and the guys

Look Alive....Levi's 5!

Hello again! It's about time I updated my family blog. Levi turned 5 in November, and we are so proud of him. I can't believe he's 5 already! What a big boy! Levi daily impresses us all with his quick wit, dancing eyes, and sharp mind. He is already a reader, and he is mastering the fine art of handwriting. He is becoming quite a baseball player, as well as a dirt bike rider. He is learning Bible verses and poetry, which he will occasionally recite for a small bribe! (Bubble gum or Awana bucks!) Here are some pictures of his birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Levi! We love you!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Too Cute!

These were just too cute not to post! I hope you enjoy them.


Beautiful Days!

Hey there! Hope you had a good weekend. We are enjoying cooler days and nights, and very active boys. Here are some photos of the boys at the park Saturday. They're really getting brave on their bikes. A little too brave for my taste! All these "stunts" were performed going downhill. I believe I hollered "NOT SMART!" way too many times! Owen is so proud, though. "Pride cometh before a"...well, let's not go there!

Love you all!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Cousins, Cousins, Cousins

Here are some pictures of the cousins at Bennett Springs. What a good lookin' crew! From oldest to youngest, they are: Justin, Jenna, Jacob, Tessa, Owen, Ella, Levi, Isaac, and Sloan. We're a calico lot, aren't we? Brown hair, brown eyes; blonde hair, blue eyes; red hair, blue! Too bad they don't enjoy one another's company! HA! HA!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Fishin' We Will Go!!!

It's Sunday afternoon, and we have just returned from another annual trip with my family to Bennett Springs State Park. We have been meeting there for a weekend during the late summer or early fall every year for about 10 years now, and it is always so much fun. With 3 little boys, it's been more work than play for the past, oh, eight years. And, each year I think, "Next year will be SO much easier!"

Well, this year, that statement came true. All three boys slept through the night, I was able to shower each morning, and Jeff and Owen made it to the trout stream both days before sunrise! ( I should mention, lots of this came about due to the free childcare provided by nearby aunts, uncles, and of course Grandma Bootsie and Grandpa Coach!) The kids had so much fun playing with all their cousins! When Isaac awoke from his afternoon nap at home today, he said, "Ah...I want to go back to the cabin!"

Also (drumroll please), Owen caught his first trout! He has been trying for 5 years, and is always so downhearted when the weekend ends before he catches one. But THIS year...he caught 2 or more on both Saturday and Sunday! He is struttin' proud! Levi didn't catch one, but he's determined to next year (or next visit, whichever comes first). Isaac didn't even go fishing this year, but he LOVED feeding the fish in the hatchery!

We feasted like kings on trout, buffalo burgers, salads, homemade breads, and gourmet omelets. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention S'mores by the campfire (before our late night visitors, the skunks, ran us off to our cabins! Better safe than sorry!) As always, I have pictures to make up for the 1000 words I cannot express. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too. Hug your family...what a precious gift!

Until next time,


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here and There and Everywhere!

Hello again! Here are some pictures to show you what we've been up to lately. For Jeff's birthday (9/9), his folks treated us AGAIN to an evening at Silver Dollar City. We had so much fun. The boys enjoyed getting soaked on the water rides, and I enjoyed taking pictures!

Then, this past Saturday (9/15), Jeff and I took the boys to the Ozarks Steam Engine Association steam engine and antique tractor show. I used to drive past that event every year and think, "YUCK! All that smoke and dust and dirt!", but I love going to it now. We've taken the boys a couple of years, and that has made all the difference. Evidently (news flash!) boys LIKE smoke, dust, and dirt! They were a little too intimidated to stand by the monstrous tractors for a picture, but here are a few snapshots of the event.

It was such a slice of Ozarks' history. There were demonstrations of sorghum making, wheat threshing, lumber milling, and corn/wheat grinding all using steam powered machinery (insert "Tool Time" grunt here!). Wonderful aromas filled the air (not from the engines, but from the concession stands)...there were corn dogs, cinnamon rolls, hamburgers, and kettle corn all for the taking! There was even an Amish family selling homemade ice cream made with a machine powered by an antique engine. They're called "Hit and Miss Ice Cream", and if you ever see them at a local fall festival, give them your business! It's delicious! Mix that with the faintest scent of pipe tobacco from a gentleman in bib overalls, and you have yourself the makings of a great autumn afternoon! We headed back to the van just as a good soaking shower began to fall...perfect timing!

Anyway, I just thought you'd enjoy some photos. Hope you have a great week. Oh, and feel free to join me in prayer that it frosts on the ragweed...and soon! (Ach-oooo!)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wear 'Em Out!

We have been extra blessed with rain lately...just extra blessed. All that to say that the boys haven't been able to really run themselves ragged for a good long while. Just in case you don't have little ones who are bursting with energy, or perhaps you have forgotten what happens when energetic children are kept inside for a week or two, we have had THE worst case of cabin fever since last winter's ice storm. it is beautiful! Sunny, 70 degrees...just a perfect day. I loaded up the boys along with their bikes and took them to our city park. They biked, they climbed, they played tag, they climbed some more, they took turns on the swings, they biked again...and then, too tired to bike any more, they pushed their bikes back to the van and we headed home. I was anxiously awaiting a good 2 hours of preschoolers napping, during which I could do laundry, tidy up the house, get dinner ready.

Guess what? The only one tuckered out is ME! The boys are wide awake...ready to go. I'm just ready to sit. In retrospect, I did as much running at the park as they did! I followed the riders (a good brisk walk), I helped the vertically challenged across the monkey bars, the timid ones down the fireman's pole, the unsteady ones down the "hill" on their tricycle/bicycle, and then I pushed those same "cycles" UP the "hill". Now I'm zapped (and enjoying a well deserved, fully caffeinated Dr. Pepper), and THEY"RE ready for round 2! Go figure! Well, it'll be a 7:00 bed time tonight! (for the kids...for the kids!)

I am thankful, though, for healthy children who are able to wear me out, and beautiful days to enjoy! I can fully relate to Dave Ramsey who, when asked "How are you?", always replies, "Better than I deserve!" Have a wonderful day! My break is over....

Monday, September 3, 2007


Hello again! We have had such a busy and enjoyable time the past few weeks. We traveled to Newburg last Sunday to hear Jeff's family sing at Jeff's daddy's church. We all had a good time visiting and eating (I love church dinners), and the boys had a blast playing with Jeff's cousin, Deidrea's, children.

After the singing, Jeff took me and the boys to Mill Creek recreation area of the (Mark Twain, I think) National Forest. There was an artesian (sp?) well that the boys enjoyed, and then Jeff told us about a "really cool" cave just down the trail. Well, after what seemed like an eternity, I asked Jeff if we were nearly there. He replied, "Well, I've never ACTUALLY been to the cave, I've just heard that there's one out here." EXCUSE ME?!

I was hobbling along with a pulled muscle, and the boys were covered with stick-tights and cockle burs, but onward we traveled...up another hill, over the hill, down and back to the right, across the creek, back up another hill, and then....TA DAH!!!!!!!! There really was a cave, and it really was cool, but the brave little hikers weren't nearly as brave when we actually arrived. Had you been a bat on the wall, you would have heard,

"You go...",

"I'm not goin'! YOU go!"

"Let's go together?!"

"Uh uh! You scout it out, and let me know what you find..."

" go!"

(They knew better than to ask me...I was running recent news stories through my mind about the locals spotting black bears and mountain lions...I was on the defensive...hobble and all!) Anyway, as it turned out the cave was apparently vacant, and the boys loved listening to the water dripping WAY back in the cave.

We took some pictures, wiped our brows, and headed back for the cool water of the well. As it turns out, if you go past the cave on the same trail, we were only about 400 yards from the park road, and within eyesight of our van. We had taken route IN to the cave. It was very fun, though, and the boys love all the pictures we took. Here are some for you to enjoy.
Add to that a new school year, a baby shower, a doctor's visit, caring for our baby darkling beetles (which we are raising from larvae in a tiny barn on my counter hum...big fun), learning that you really cannot see if your head is covered with a blanket...and you just might run into the hearth, and that sometimes, Missouri goes for MONTHS without hailstorms (job security), and we've had a busy "end of the summer". We are extra blessed, though, and are eagerly awaiting the cool, crisp days of autumn. I hope this entry finds you and yours happy, healthy, and enjoying life. Leave me a note if you want. Until next time...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Catchin' Up!

I know it has been awhile since I last posted anything. I've been busy enjoying the last days of summer...wringing out every last drop of fun. Here are some photos of what's been happening with and/or to the Davis family...

Grandma and Grandpa Davis treat us to a day at Silver Dollar City. That's us in the 2nd row...I've just noticed someone I know waiting in line! You'll have to wait until another time to see my face.

Cousin Tessa (Suzan's youngest) comes for a two-night sleep over! Does that look like a fun time or what?

Morning trips to the park before the temps hit 100!

Owen becomes the "Dirtbike Daredevil".

Levi learns to rollerblade! I know! Can you believe it!?

I get to enjoy a wonderful dinner with my two favorite sisters, Suzan (blue shirt) and Anita (black shirt) and 2 of their daughters, Jenna (13) and Sloan (1). Jenna then came home with me for an overnight visit. She is such a sweet girl. And did I mention a wonderful entertainer of little cousins!?

We have also enjoyed hiking in the evenings in the National Park nearby, finishing up our first "thrilling" year of little league, company picnics, birthday parties, swimming, late day trips to Branson to visit with Jeff's sister and her daughter who drove in from Indiana, and daily watering the lawn, which sounds like a no brainer...but I have been chasing those crazy dry patches all around our lot all summer, and frankly, I'd love a good thunderstorm.

And, finally, a great Levi story. He informed me yesterday that he had gone potty in the yard, which is a big no-no, mostly because we don't have a fence (therefore no privacy), but also b/c it was killing our sod, which we have too much invested in to potty on! Anyway, I said, "Levi, you know you're not supposed to potty on the grass!" To which he replied, "Don't worry Momma. I only pottied on the ticks and the chiggers!" Well, alrighty then! That makes it okay! What a nut!

I hope you all have a great week. Keep your intentions pure...aim for the ticks and the chiggers!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Flip Flop Tan

I have always admired ladies with tan feet. Partly because I think tan feet just look WAY nicer than white feet, but also because of the life that tan feet represent. Tan feet say to me that the owner actually sat still long enough for the sun to bake their skin for at least 10 least. (Note the mother talking on her cell phone in the background of photo one!) They also say that the owner actually lives a life wherein it is safe to wear flip flops (or summer shoe of choice). I, on the other hand, have had white feet for the past 8 years. During that time it has been neither practical nor safe for me to wear flip flops. Oh, I've owned them, but they last a long time due to lack of wear.

I wear Nike running shoes simply because I run. Not for health reasons, but I chase my little boys everywhere. And if I'm not chasing them, it's because I just got done chasing them, or because I'm about to chase them. I wear Nike's everywhere...even church. (I love living in a rural community!)

My aunt once gave me oodles of expensive shoes (heels) she had outgrown. Beautiful, truly beautiful, but totally impractical for the mother of 3 young boys. These shoes look great on, and I wore them twice...once in the kitchen, and once in the living room, and nearly killed myself trying to walk back to the closet to put them away (which the boys thought was absolutely hilarious). When my aunt asked when I was going to wear them somewhere, I responded, "When I know I won't have to go from 0 to 60 in 5.2!" I still have them, and one day I'll wear them out...just not in the foreseeable future.

Anyway, back to the tan feet...they just represent a lady who's able to sit and watch her kids...something I think will happen to me someday. And now, for the heart of the blog...

Tuesday I took my boys to the Jordon Valley Park water feature in downtown Springfield. Kinda silly to go from the country (more or less) to the city to play in the "crick", but we did, and they had an absolutely wonderful time. There is a little creek (completely chlorinated and filtered) that flows from the top of the park down to the main water feature, which consists of a round concrete pad from which bursts forth streams of water at unpredictable intervals (that sounds fancy for a water hole, doesn't it!).

Anyway, Isaac took a boat to float, and the big boys wore their swimming suits, and they all played for 2 hours. I took a large beach towel, which I spread on one of the many concrete outcroppings scattered around the park. I wiped eyes, dried runny noses, applied sunscreen, and occasionally loosened a boat from it's snag in the white water rapids. I even met a mom I had known years ago from Ridgecrest Baptist's MOPS group (she loaned me the sunscreen...mine was in the van! You can see her in the top of one of the pictures...she's in the pink shirt, applying sunscreen to her own children!)

And for the first time in eight years, I got...

a flip flop tan!