Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wear 'Em Out!

We have been extra blessed with rain lately...just extra blessed. All that to say that the boys haven't been able to really run themselves ragged for a good long while. Just in case you don't have little ones who are bursting with energy, or perhaps you have forgotten what happens when energetic children are kept inside for a week or two, we have had THE worst case of cabin fever since last winter's ice storm.

Anyway...today it is beautiful! Sunny, 70 degrees...just a perfect day. I loaded up the boys along with their bikes and took them to our city park. They biked, they climbed, they played tag, they climbed some more, they took turns on the swings, they biked again...and then, too tired to bike any more, they pushed their bikes back to the van and we headed home. I was anxiously awaiting a good 2 hours of preschoolers napping, during which I could do laundry, tidy up the house, get dinner ready.

Guess what? The only one tuckered out is ME! The boys are wide awake...ready to go. I'm just ready to sit. In retrospect, I did as much running at the park as they did! I followed the riders (a good brisk walk), I helped the vertically challenged across the monkey bars, the timid ones down the fireman's pole, the unsteady ones down the "hill" on their tricycle/bicycle, and then I pushed those same "cycles" UP the "hill". Now I'm zapped (and enjoying a well deserved, fully caffeinated Dr. Pepper), and THEY"RE ready for round 2! Go figure! Well, it'll be a 7:00 bed time tonight! (for the kids...for the kids!)

I am thankful, though, for healthy children who are able to wear me out, and beautiful days to enjoy! I can fully relate to Dave Ramsey who, when asked "How are you?", always replies, "Better than I deserve!" Have a wonderful day! My break is over....

1 comment:

CDJ said...

After days like that, I always wonder why I don't take more vitamins! As always you're a very fun mom! love you