Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Fishin' We Will Go!!!

It's Sunday afternoon, and we have just returned from another annual trip with my family to Bennett Springs State Park. We have been meeting there for a weekend during the late summer or early fall every year for about 10 years now, and it is always so much fun. With 3 little boys, it's been more work than play for the past, oh, eight years. And, each year I think, "Next year will be SO much easier!"

Well, this year, that statement came true. All three boys slept through the night, I was able to shower each morning, and Jeff and Owen made it to the trout stream both days before sunrise! ( I should mention, lots of this came about due to the free childcare provided by nearby aunts, uncles, and of course Grandma Bootsie and Grandpa Coach!) The kids had so much fun playing with all their cousins! When Isaac awoke from his afternoon nap at home today, he said, "Ah...I want to go back to the cabin!"

Also (drumroll please), Owen caught his first trout! He has been trying for 5 years, and is always so downhearted when the weekend ends before he catches one. But THIS year...he caught 2 or more on both Saturday and Sunday! He is struttin' proud! Levi didn't catch one, but he's determined to next year (or next visit, whichever comes first). Isaac didn't even go fishing this year, but he LOVED feeding the fish in the hatchery!

We feasted like kings on trout, buffalo burgers, salads, homemade breads, and gourmet omelets. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention S'mores by the campfire (before our late night visitors, the skunks, ran us off to our cabins! Better safe than sorry!) As always, I have pictures to make up for the 1000 words I cannot express. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too. Hug your family...what a precious gift!

Until next time,


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